Who: Dreux Mallery, Louisiana Native, Fashion Retail & Merchandising Specialist, & wonderful owner of Dreux's Chic Boutique.

What: Photography 

Where: Lost Lake @ Buffalo Bayou, Downtown Houston, TX 

When: September 2016

Every time I shoot being that this is my passion, I always want to try new things, but with the balance of work for clients over the year with the routine from portraits to grad sessions, often times personal projects are put on the back burner. This is the reason for The Goldbox Spotlight (a by-product of #challenge52) on the blog not only is it a way to showcase personal projects that are done throughout the year, but also create a special set of circumstances to work with people I've just met through several avenues to people I've known for a long time giving them their shine throughout the process when I can while at the same time creating great work.

At the end of September, I got to work with a phenomenal human being and a wonderful lady by the name of Dreux. After communicating over time we set a date to shoot in the Downtown Houston area around buffalo bayou at a place called Lost Lake a truly magnificent and beautiful place that if you are driving down Allen parkway you will instantly pass up if you don't know what you're looking for. With an idea in mind and her know-how when it comes to fashion the proofs came out great with everything coming together even though we had to cut it short. Using the location to its fullest extent, the simplicity of the outfit for the shoot, along with her enthusiasm in front of the camera everything flowed smoothly, especially when it came to post editing where I tried a few new techniques. OveralI can't wait to work with her again in some form or fashion and the results of the shoot are down at the bottom. Thanks for your time!  

Where you can find Dreux:

Instagram: @dreuxmonique

Dreux's Chic Boutique

-Henry a.k.a. Hendog
