Back during 2017 two things happened the spring of that year, I went back to Prairie View A&M University to finish my degree and second was me doing The Goldbox Podcast while I was there and I did it with Ashley Henderson who at the time was pursuing pre-med (and is now in medical school to become a doctor now). The reason I mention these was because certain things are set in motion no matter how small or big they are when I came back to PVAMU it was a rough endeavor but things, like playing co-ed soccer with vipers FC or finding things to do outside of just attending class, was crucial & when I picked Ashley as my co-host for the podcast I had to take so many factors into account and even though I knew her from a couple of years prior because of one of my roommates, it wasn’t a straight forward thing and took a lot of finesse. Same with this idea, the inspiration came from Ashley mentioning that I should have a nickname like Stache along with Hendog & if not it should be like a DJ name for me, it was funny at the moment but it also got the gears moving about the idea of DJing. This was several years in the making from 2017 and there were several roadblocks for it to happen, but we are here so Stache lives though the idea even if the name doesn’t carry on, I truly like music and just like things that are missing its way favorable then a lot of things like when I was hospitalized hearing a rhythmic beat from a monitor left me stir crazy so when I was able to listen to music again it was great. The whole idea about this series is it is set in the fictitious place of Nite Owl’s which is a place with great music and this set will every Friday periodically because like I said before I like music but I’m a homebody and omnivert of a person which is a by-product of that. Being someone who enjoys music and the craft of it all I know it will be terrible at first like anything else someone just starting and it no if I will mess up but when & hopefully I will grow and progress over time. @ Nite owl’s hopefully will be a great series and may include others possibly. every Friday. So enjoy the music of #1 and look out for it every Friday from now on.

Sidenote: apologies for the mix being so long at 107 minutes and every other mix after will be a max of 60 minutes.

‘Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.”
— Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
