When I was at La Marque High School in LMISD (which got shut down 2016) I was a classmate with him in the same class & now fast forward he is an Alumni of Praire View A &M University & an engineer now. Thanks for you time and enjoy!

What is the best advice you can give to someone starting out?

The best advice I have to offer is to find a mentor that can relate to you, is in a position that you would like to be in, and can be trusted. My mentor and I talk about everything under the sun that pertains to my professional development, finances, and many other personal matters.

What things inspire your process?

Growing up without a father figure, my mother (RIP Wanda Woodard) made it a high priority to do everything she could to raise me. Watching her work hard daily helped me realized that if you really want something bad enough then you will find a way to get it. I really want to live debt-free and create generational wealth, therefore, I have to put in the work for it.

Who are the three people you look up or inspire you?

First and foremost, I like to recognize my mother for instilling the values that I live by even to this day. Watching her fight every day as a child and a young adult taught me to never give up even when things aren't that great. Secondly, I would like to give praise to my mentor and soror, Mrs. Aurysia Evans. She has made a tremendous impact on my life throughout the years and I am very appreciative. Lastly but most certainly not least, my friends, family, leaders in the church and the community have made great contributions to keep me inspired.
