When this started back in 2016, “The Goldbox Spotlight” was a totally different thing in that time made as a way of putting a spotlight on people that I collaborated within different mediums, it only had two articles which featured two people at first in Jasmine Williams & Dreux Mallery but it became a totally different thing over time. When I was hospitalized with Sepsis in 2018 I was starting from scratch as far as my physical skillset like my foot, my muscles, & more notably my voice and also my dominant hand, because of this event in my life I was limited in a lot of areas. After being released from the hospital in 2018 of November I was at a crossroad of my life because most times when you speak about the symptoms of sepsis if a person survives, they tend to have a low self-image of themselves, their energy is low, they have trouble concentrating, & just don’t care about a lot in general, even though I struggle with some of these things then & now, I made the decision not to be that person & make the most of this chance I have because too many people have been in my corner to just give up. Over the past year i’ve done plenty of things in the wheelhouse of HENDOG MEDIA +DESIGN from photography to film to even write, i’ve had to adapt to do things like write on notes on my iPhone because normal writing was not an option or when I would shoot photography I would tread lightly whenever I would walk especially getting this drop foot brace because if I fall I would look like a dramatization of a life alert commercial and walked like a toddler or a newborn calf or a girl trying to walk in heels looking like Bambi if that makes sense, i would give a warning upfront to the effect of don’t try to catch me or try to help me because if you try there will two people falling as a result. I kept the promise to myself for the most part but danced around this for some reason because I wanted “The Goldbox” to be something that is bigger than me like the podcast or the rest of it, finally in March of 2019 I finally started to reach out to people and 34 weeks later I think it has done what the podcast did in getting other people’s perspectives. When I decided to pivot and expand on “The Goldbox Spotlight” I never could imagine what it could become & i’m excited to see what it can be in the future, doing the spotlight has allowed me to pick people’s brains about their views & what they would say to someone else because this life is a big game of minesweeper because there are decisions we have to make while we’re here & we can learn from others too before us or have done something that is similar which is like resetting the same game over. Overall these articles have been a great thing & can be seen by many people that want to look at them & i’m truly thankful to everyone that did them & everyone that took time out to actually look. Thanks for your time & lord willin may I be able to do this in the new year. Thank You!


THE BEST ADVICE I WOULD GIVE A BEGINNER WOULD BE TO STAY GOAL-ORIENTED REGARDLESS IF INDIVIDUALS DON’T BELIEVE IN YOU. Before striving for your goal, it would be good to create a plan that involves the necessary steps to take to achieve a realistic goal. This plan should include short- and long-term goals such as graduating from school, learning new technical and/or writing skills, getting involved in professional organizations, going to conferences, applying for internships/fellowships/volunteering to see if you would like the work culture and get experience at the same time. I would suggest creating your own business cards with your contact information (phone number and email) and include your university along with your field of study, by doing this you will automatically be one step ahead of the next person.

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Marie Armstrong 

ALWAYS stay true to who you are and the motivation that got you over the starting line. Don't allow the temptations of success to overrule what you know to be right or cause you to detour from what you initially set out to accomplish.

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Stephanie Woodhouse 

The best advice I can give someone starting out is to follow your passion and believe in yourself. All the skills you need are within you. You just have to be disciplined enough to believe in yourself and your talents. Continue to work hard to master your craft because there is always something that can be learned. Failure is a part of the process to become successful. 

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Fran Duncan 

Practice! Practice! Practice! Always show up ready, you can never be too prepared. Surround yourself with open-minded individuals who dream big and are not afraid to go after their goals. Associate yourself with people who are already good at doing what it is that you’re trying to get good at. DON’T BE AFRAID TO LIVE OUTSIDE THE BOX!!! Everybody is not going to support your vision, that is ok—grind harder, turn their negativity into productivity. Start with your goal in mind and always keep that goal in the forefront of your thoughts and you WILL succeed.

Willie Rollerson 

The best advice I have to offer is to find a mentor that can relate to you, is in a position that you would like to be in, and can be trusted. My mentor and I talk about everything under the sun that pertains to my professional development, finances, and many other personal matters.

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Jorden Woodard 

The best advice I can give someone starting out is to step into the “unknown.” If you're comfortable your not growing but if you're going into to something you never did before you’ll start to see the unimaginable happen. From experience of going into various unknown situations something amazing has always come out of and end. I became a new version of myself I didn’t see coming. So my advice would be to just “go for it.”

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Keionna Turner 

Keep GOD first always and don’t be afraid to pray! Anything worth having is going to require hard work and sacrifice. It won’t be easy, but GOD will make a way…don’t give up! Also, be patient with your process! I have to remind myself all the time not to forget to celebrate the “small victories” or small accomplishments. Sometimes we feel like since we didn’t reach that “big goal” that we failed or that we’re behind and it’s like no! you’re exactly where you need to be. Every small step counts! Third, STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF! Believe in yourself to the fullest! Don’t ever feel like you need to alter who you are to fit in! Some people think that doing what everyone else is doing will get you to the top faster and sometimes it works, but at the end of the day, it’s like are you really happy? So, don’t lose yourself; Stay authentic always! Finally, be cautious and aware of who you keep around! The ones you can learn from, the ones who bring positivity, the ones who have the same mentality as you or higher, the ones who are genuine, those are the ones to keep close! Having a strong support system makes a difference!  

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Cara O’Neal

Never underestimate or under-appreciate the value of the process! People are often excited about their highs and devastated by their lows that they downplay the in-between. The in-between/process is key to your whole story. Your growth comes from the process and therefore shouldn’t be rush. Understand that what you may want you may not be ready for. Timing is everything, it can’t be bought and it can’t be rushed. There is nothing as downtime & your priorities may not be aligned properly. You should move and think as if your next breath is our last. Don’t dwell on where you want to be but instead focus on becoming the person you need to be in order to go where you want to go. Focus on yourself. Who are you and why? The process navigating us to our success should be considered the foundation. Don’t be in a rush to lay down the cement on an unleveled slope.

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Ashley Henderson 

After graduating with a bachelor’s degree, I understood the value and the importance of pursuing a higher degree in what I was passionate about. Although I understand how my degree has been a very helpful tool in achieving success as a chemical engineer in the oil and gas, mining, and semiconductor industries, I have come to realize that college is good for a lot of things; however, I have found that it does not necessarily teach you how to actually be an entrepreneur and be THE BOSS of what you truly believe in. College in general teaches you how to work for others and not how to create a life where others can work for you instead. As an engineer that has an underlying passion for entrepreneurship, I have found myself surrounded by people who have started very successful businesses without a formal college education and those who would like to start a business but have a hard time doing so with a formal college education. To simply put it, obtaining higher degrees is not always needed to be successful. Just look at Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and even Russell Simmons. They are some of the smartest and richest people alive and they did not even acquire a college degree. So before deciding on what college to go to or the type of life you would like to have, weigh out all the options you have and really take the due diligence in researching and understanding what’s more important to you. Not only should you research, but connect with others who share similar interests and that can help guide you in the path that is most befitting for you. It possibly can help you reach your goals faster, whether that’s educational, personal, or financial. 

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Kim Mahoney 

The best advice I can give someone starting out is whatever dream you have written it out. Don’t think that any dream is too big or too small to conquer. 

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Jazzlin Raquel 

With any career path or choice in life the best thing you can do is be intentional, set goals, write them down and go for it. It's also important to be patient, stay focused, have determination, and most importantly have FUN. Find your passion and your talent and do something with it so that you can enjoy life while making a living. As a dancer, I’ve used all of these tools to be successful. Starting out at a young age, I was always intentional about what it was I wanted to do with my dance career. I went from local competitions, PVAMU Marching Storm Majorettes The Black Foxes, to dancing professionally as a Raiderette for the Oakland Raiders. And I’m not done yet; I’m ready to see what other heights I can climb.

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Jazmine Duke

The best advice I can give to someone just starting out is to pray for God to grant wisdom over your choices. Whether it has been moving from home, a change in my career, or accepting my marriage proposal from my husband, I always pray for wisdom and direction. I recognize that I can not direct my own steps, and when I try to do what I feel is right based solely on personal preference or emotion, I did things wrong. So, whenever I begin a new venture or project I always want The Holy Spirit to guide me. So that I make good decisions, I go to the places that are beneficial for me, and I move in the direction that is within God‘s will for my life.

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Valerie Sworn

 1. Trust yourself. 

If something doesn’t feel right it probably isn’t. Just because more experienced people are doing something doesn’t mean it is right. Don’t compromise yourself for a job, experience, relationship. 

2. You can fix most things. We always worry about taking chances in life, but taking chances is how we grow. A lot of those mistakes work out to be better than we planned.

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Sam Pence

The best advice I can give someone who is starting out in their journey whether it be entrepreneurship or a different endeavor it doesn’t compare your progress to someone else’s progress. Life is long, what you're in pursuit of is not going to happen overnight. If you want to see results you have to stay committed to what you said you wanted despite the challenges and difficulties that will inevitably arise. Be cognizant of where your focus goes, because where your focus goes your energy flows. If you focus on what you don’t have, and or on the negativity, you’re going to make your journey a lot more difficult than it has to be.

In addition to this, another piece of advice I would give anyone starting out is to celebrate your small wins and understand the power of momentum. Ever since I started my journey of becoming an aspiring entrepreneur I’ve become more aware of how necessary it is to acknowledge your small wins and how significant it is to create momentum. Both are critical in your journey regardless of the endeavor that your pursuing. Small wins are milestones you pass or accomplish on the way towards achieving your desired goal. I’ve come to realize now more than ever the reason a lot of people never move forward in their personal endeavors is because of their inability to see the power of small wins and the results that derive from it.

Momentum is contagious because it produces movement and that movement is what produces results. If you take a second to think and really look at life for what it is you will see that life is momentum. It leads from one thing to another. Having a goal in life and having NO momentum is like trying to drive a car on an empty tank of gas. It’s hard, it's stressful and it won’t go anywhere. The gas that fuels your car is the same as the momentum you need to move forward in accomplishing your goals. I would highly recommend to anyone reading this article, if you haven’t already, start celebrating your small successes and create momentum because it's going to springboard you forward. Remember, the road you’re traveling is a marathon, its long, so don’t get deterred when things don’t happen as quickly as you may like. Ecclesiastes 9:11 “The race is not won to the swift but to the one who endureth till the end.”

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Raven Turner 


Advice to someone starting a career: Never give up! Rather than recreating the wheel, just improve it. Add your own sparkling touch. That is how you work smarter not harder.

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Kim Patrick 

I would encourage anyone starting out in their career to find a few strong mentors. These can be people who are in your field or not, but they need to be people who you can be vulnerable with, and they can be honest with you. I have been fortunate to have both, professional and personal mentors who help me navigate the unknown. Starting out in your career can be difficult and a little intimidating. It is better to have people who have gone before you and can give you sound and tested advice. 

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Priscilla Barbour 

On my journey, I did my best to give every season all I had. It didn't matter how high or low of a point it was. I am a goal setter and taskmaster by nature so I always had a plan, BUT I remained fully present in whatever stage of life I was living. When I was hanging in the streets and fighting in grade school, I did it fully present. I was fully present in my environment. I always wanted better and when better came, I took a full leap toward that. I wasn't perfect, and there were great times, good times, okay times, bad times, and even horrible, rock bottom times. But I never sought to skip a step. I took it as it came and worked through it all. From trying to pass my remedial math course at Tallahassee community college to eventually working my way up to tutoring math at levels as high as precalculus, graduating with honors, moving on to FAMU and graduating with honors again, and then graduate school at NYU. From working temporary work-study and property maintenance jobs to working in state, federal, and city governments, and eventually running for office. From being ashamed to talk about my background and where I came from, to taking the journey in therapy and fully embracing ALL of who I am. And finally, from barely believing God cared about people like me to developing a real relationship with Him and fully experiencing how good He really is. I gave it all 100 percent at whatever time it came. So, to anyone at any point on their journey, especially to those who have just taken the leap toward whatever better looks like for them, my advice is just that: Give 100 percent to where you are at the time. I don't care what anybody says, you can't skip a step. You'll miss something. If you are broke, be that and learn how to make do with what you have so that you understand the value of stewardship. If you get the job, no matter what it is, give it all you got while you are there until you are blessed with better. When you are single, do your own inner work. (The work of someone else and a relationship is a job of its own. Get a head start which lies on the inside of yourself FIRST.) When you are uncomfortable, don't fight it. Learn what it is you need to get grounded. And lastly, when God blesses you with the high points along the way, never forget to be grateful. In fact, when you are giving it all you have, it's extremely hard not to be when you reflect on the entire journey.

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Brittany Claybrooks 

Become an expert, then exceed expectations. When you are good at what you do, you will always be afforded opportunities. There will come a time when you are overwhelmed with opportunities. This is a good problem to have. Take a moment to outline your short and long-term goals and create a decision mapping process that helps you stay aligned with your goals. Stay focus and dominate.

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Michelle Ngome 

 KNOW YOU! By that I mean, whatever field you delve in to, go in 100% confident in YOUR OWN abilities. Obviously this is easier said than done, but you have to have a foundation, because just when you think you’ve made it, sure enough, someone is going to be there waiting to challenge you, intimidate you, make you feel like you have to prove why you belong. When in fact, you’ve already proved everything that matters, to the one that matters; you! All the (proverbial) blood, sweat, and tears is a result of your own hands that did the work, your own heart that drove your passion, and your own mentality; that will power and diligence that kept you believing that if you just fought one more day, that you’d get there! So if you’ve made it CONGRATS! if you’re still working…CONGRATULATIONS in advance 

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Tamika Henderson 

When starting out it will be very challenging, but you have to roll with the ups and downs. I also will advise building your relationship with God. In my sophomore year I was baptized and I never regretted it. 

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Maygen Smith 

Believe in yourself and the process. I think nothing good truly comes easy. I come with a vision and determination. You have to build a foundation to stand on before anything and that takes time. There may be times where you think it's impossible or you're ready to quit, but you must stick in there. Trust me, the victory will be so much sweeter when you look back and see what you went through to get there. 

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Terrell Johnican 

The best advice I would give to anyone is to research what it is that you wish to pursue. The second thing I would recommend is to learn how to network better. Most people I know is simply because I had already done research on them prior to meeting them and vice versa. I don't like a lot of small talk and noise, so I'm very intentional about who I know, and also why I want to connect with them. I prefer meaningful relationships/friendships. The other advice I would give is NOT being afraid to ask for help, and don't allow your ego to step in the way of your destiny. There will be plenty of people who will tell you no, or not respond to you...but there's always at least ONE person who is willing to help. You have to find yourself in the right place, at the right time. How do you do that? By working and being great at what you're doing. If you are great, they will find you. Allow yourself to be stretched, and be open to new ideas/possibilities. One of the greatest things I did in my career, was ALLOW myself to be stretched...sometimes to the point of no return. However, that was a lesson within itself. I love being stretched, but not over my sanity. You have to sit and ask yourself, "How far am I willing to be stretched for my destiny?"

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Ke’Tara Marie 

DO NOT SETTLE! Set your goals and work towards completing them. Once those goals are complete, set more goals! Complacency should never be an option. Adopt a growth mindset and never forget why you started in the first place. You may face adversity, but how you react to those adversities is what builds character. 

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Ariel Henson 

The best advice I can give someone who is just starting to build his/her life or career is to be persistent and resilient. Remember, the formula for the cleanser 409 wasn't successfully fully developed until after 408 failed attempts. Imagine if they'd given up after the 408th try.

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Lesa Spivey 

“Do what you have to now so you can do what you want to do”

This was a quote my dad would say to me growing up help me understand my role in life and understand the benefits of hard work. I have to grind make those sacrifices now so I can set up Vernon and his family in the future for success.

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Vernon Lewis 

To start early on learning study habits that work for you and get involved with organizations on campus. Also, start looking for summer internships in your freshman year. 

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Victoria Cummings 

The advice I’d give to anyone just starting out is don’t be afraid to fail, have fun with your journey, and always keep the camera rolling. B-roll equals greatness. 

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Jerrod Mims

I would tell anyone starting out to find a mentor in whatever field you are deciding to pursue. Mentorship is priceless. This may come in the form of a coach or someone who can give you honest and sincere feedback. While I was writing my book, The Path to Exceptional Living: 15 Lessons to Living an Extraordinary Life, one of the best investments I made was hiring a writing coach. Tamika Sims of Get Write with Tamika, was one of the best investments I made while writing my leadership book. She was thorough, professional, and honest with me. Tamika effectively mentored and coached me through the process of writing my book and continues to mentor me since my book was published. Mentorship matters for anyone starting out and is important to your success. 

I would also tell anyone starting out to invest time in saturating themselves in the Laws of Influence, Addition, and Response. The Law of Influence applies to everyone. Everyone has the ability to influence someone. Understanding exactly where your influence lies and who your influence affects is crucial to growth. The Law of Addition is all about adding value to those around you. Adding value is important for anyone who desires to be great. The aspect of the Law of Addition that is often not applied is understanding that you have to put yourself in a position for value to be added to you. Often times, we think we don’t need to be affirmed or poured into. This is far from the truth. Having value added to you puts you in a unique position to be amazing leaders and lead at a high level. Finally, the Law of Response is similar to the Law of Influence because we all have responses just like we all have influence. Conditioning our responses to the various situations that arise gives you the ability to make thoughtful decisions as it relates to your pursuit. Our response to people and moments in our lives determines so much, so we should take this law seriously. Mastering these three laws will definitely help you on your journey to greatness and start out on the right path. 

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Craig King

It might not sound sexy, but LISTEN in your college courses! In this world of "get there quick" or "skipping school" altogether, I feel like the small number of people who are not supporters of higher education are telling more and more young people not to go to school which I find ridiculous. I find it common to see "marketing maven" or "content creator" in people’s bios on social media who have never interned or took a course in marketing. While I understand, that college isn't for everyone and experience is the best teacher ...There is no way you can do your job efficiently without the proper education whether that is in the classroom or on the job. I could go on and on about this.....

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Alexandria Williams 

The best advice I can give someone starting out does not pertain to only one thing. Starting out, it is essential to have a plan. "Proper planning prevents piss poor performance." These are words that I have digested over the years in the industry that have helped me stay on top of my game. Know what you are good at and what you are not. What you are not good at, learn or outsource. From experiences, plans are essential in any business because they set goals. Without either, it’s hard to perform or measure success. 

Also, I would advise someone starting out to understand the importance of controlling what “you can control and give the rest to God.” I say this because it’s dang near difficult to have a handle on everything and still function peacefully or sleep at night. This has helped me reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. 

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Kariss Gordon 


Technical advice: Always start with pen and paper. This the quickest and easiest way to get your ideas out of your head. Don't put too much thought into the way your drawing looks at this point. (I littery draw stick figures) The idea is to get a big picture, put a game plan together before you get sucked into worrying about details. 

I also like to start working in black and white, to focus on the layout. It is easy to add color later.

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Misha Banner 

Never stop learning. If there is something that you want to learn don’t let anything stop you from evolving into the person you want to be. My goal is to be a better version of myself than I was six months ago. Even if it is a small improvement I still see it as one. Now that I am working on my company, Mad Nice which is an event production company, I find it that much more important to be a sponge to the world around me and use everything as a teachable moment. 

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Sena Gbordzoe 

The best advice I can give you guys is that as an inspiring DJ you should focus on bettering your craft and network in the process. Don’t be afraid to throw yourself out there, there’s a lot of trial and error but if you’re in love with the craft you’ll keep going.

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DJ Sarcastic 


My process is an ongoing journey because after I complete a goal, I start a new one or my experiences sometimes change my ultimate long/short term goals. During my Journey throughout life, my inspiration has and will always be my loved ones. My family and friends have always believed in me, especially my little sister Victoria! I also keep in mind where I came from and the people I meet along the way that gave me advice, motivation, or just told me what I meant to them. I would not have made it this far if it wasn’t for those instructors, mentors, or preceptors that offered me the opportunity to work in their organization or projects even if I did not have all of the credentials, they took a chance on me by putting me under their wing and for that I am forever grateful. God will always show me the way and without him, none of this would even be possible!

Marie Armstrong 

Helping others is my motivation. Knowing that I can make a difference in someone's life, gives me the push to keep pressing forward. Bringing joy and encouragement to others is just a bonus along the journey.

Stephanie Woodhouse 

The main things that inspire my process first are my personal health. When I feel my best then I am more likely to perform my best. Secondly, music. Listening to music while I do any activity has always helped to make me feel better and give me more energy to complete my task. Lastly, my family, friends, and patients. Being in the healthcare field has allowed me to witness how soooo many people are affected by disease and musculoskeletal dysfunction which has a great effect on their daily lives. Being able to help them return to things that they love to do inspires me to learn more.

Fran Duncan 

Anything inspires my creative process. There was a time in which I was sitting in my car, waiting for a train to pass by, and the horn blew in the same key of the song I was listening to on the radio. I immediately started composing on spot. Watching movies can really spark my imagination. Have you ever watched a movie with no music? I’m sure you wouldn’t know how to feel because the music tells us how we should feel when watching. Last, but certainly not least, listening to music that captures my ear will certainly have me running to my piano.

Willie Rollerson 

Growing up without a father figure, my mother (RIP Wanda Woodard) made it a high priority to do everything she could to raise me. Watching her work hard daily helped me realized that if you really want something bad enough then you will find a way to get it. I really want to live debt-free and create generational wealth, therefore, I have to put in the work for it.

Jorden Woodard 

Hmm, things that inspire my process are for one myself. I want to see the best version of ME. I’m my biggest critique and I used to stay in my head a lot thinking negative about my self and seeking my validation/worth from others. Now I’m becoming more in tune with who I am. I have come a long way in my darkest times & I have always found ways to uplift myself. I listen to inspirational podcasts, i’m trying out yoga, I’m journaling, meeting new people and learning from them,

Keionna Turner

Life itself honestly inspires my everyday process. Every personal experience or the experiences I witness or have witnessed around me, I’ve found something in every moment that keeps me going and wanting to be the best version of myself and hoping I can inspire someone else to do the same.

Cara O’Neal

I think greater than me. I don’t believe that my presence is for my enjoyment. I am here to serve others and contribute to society. Someone fought so that I could have the opportunities that I have now. I’m not inspired I’m motivated and driven to make the efforts put forth by my ancestors count. I have the ability to think and move freely. I challenge myself to pursue the impossible so that one day someone may come behind me and say this is easy and I can do it! I’m needed by people who haven’t even entered into the world. My impact matters more than any worldly desires. My steps aren’t for me but for those who don’t have the courage, strength, or ability to step. My success is our success. Success for those who have been oppressed, excluded, belittled, & doubted.

Ashley Henderson 

One of the most impactful and inspirational things to me is traveling. I have had the opportunity to travel to several countries in Europe, China, and Canada. Meeting people from other parts of the world and different walks of life - whether that is different careers, ethnicities, or cultures- has really given me a huge appreciation for life in general. It truly broadens your scope of thinking and changes your perspective about things in life. Also, I have a huge heart so being able to help others helps guide me through my life’s endeavors. It honestly is the greatest feeling when someone seeks help from me and I am able to help in a way that positively affects their life in a large way. I’ve had the privilege of helping some of my friends through financial, educational, and personal decisions and the results were very rewarding. No matter what it is, I am always open to helping others when I can. 

Kim Mahoney 

Chile, writing !! I journal a lot and journaling keeps me with a clear mind and also keeps my creative sparks going. Outside of writing, I make sure that my day to day life is aligned with God. As long as he has control of the wheel everything else tends to fall into place. 

Jazzlin Raquel 

Music definitely inspires me in everything I do. I can’t go a day without listening to music. It’s literally like my medicine. Music just makes me want to get up and move. And I mean what is dance without music!

I am also inspired by that thing in me that won’t let me settle. There’s so much more out there in the world and I’m going for it all.

Jazmine Duke

 I believe the things which inspire my process most is the will to be successful. In everything I do I want to be a success. In personal relationships I want them to grow and thrive and so I don’t want to do anything or put anything in my way that may increase my chances of failure. I also like to take advice from other people who have been successful. They really inspire my process. I like to read memoirs and listen to older people and take advice from people who’ve done what I’m trying to do and have been successful at it. I am especially inspired when those people have faced some of the similar hurdles to success that I’m facing now because it gives me hope that I can turn it around just like they have.

Valerie Sworn

Coffee and taking a step back. I’m a speech pathologist so I like to drink coffee with my patients during our sessions (if they can eat/drink). When I’m working on speech, language, or cognition I want them to feel that sense of normalcy, like you’re having coffee with a friend.

 It can be overwhelming when you read someone’s medical history, or are meeting a person for the first time who needs help. I take a step back and think about what a patient or any person needs to have a happy life. What do they need to go home? What are their goals? What is important to them? Once I can answer those questions I can usually make a plan.

Sam Pence

There are a lot of things that inspire my process, however, the three that inspire my process the most are as follows

#1 Fear:

The fear of not operating at my fullest potential and using the talents and gifts God gave me. I would hate to get to the end of my life and wonder what could have been if I only took a chance. This inspires me daily. 

#2 Giving You Best:

Number two can best be described as a quote I once read, “Honor those who came before you and leave a legacy for those coming after you. I did not get to where I am today by myself, many people have been instrumental in my life helping me get to this point. I want to honor those people and I do that by giving life everything and showing them how appreciative I am. I want to leave a legacy for my future and give back to those who have helped me. 

#3 Not Satisfied:

Number three is simple, I’m just not satisfied. I'm chasing greatness and the only way to achieve that is I must be consistent and keep moving forward.

Raven Turner

What inspires my process? Having an overall vision with small goals and gains on the way! Small victories help to inspire as you climb higher and higher to reach larger goals.

Kim Patrick 

I find inspiration in a variety of places, from deep conversations with friends to things that I may read on my Twitter timeline. I am also inspired by a desire to see things through and find solutions to challenges. 

Priscilla Barbour 

There is a lot that inspires me. But among the top is the desire to become all that I am meant to be and inspire others to do the same regardless of how they started. I really believe that people deserve to experience their highest level of self-actualization, especially when they were born into any form of struggle like so many of my people have. As I grow, serve, and lead (when necessary), I believe I have a responsibility to share myself and what I have learned so that others may do the same. I'll always be the one that left and moved up, but I'll also always be the one that stopped to help make someone else's life better along the way. I am always careful to leave every place I encounter just a little better than when I found it if I can.

Brittany Claybrooks 

The people inspire my process. Getting feedback from family, friends, and fans/followers help me create messages that allow me to share my authentic voice. It can be challenging tapping into my inner being and deciding what to share and how much. Overall, I just try to be the person I needed yesterday and hopefully that resonates with someone today.

Michelle Ngome 

 Learning inspires me. Now, I can’t even lie, I don’t do half as much studying or reading as I should especially since I escaped from grad school (haha) but every day I’m at work and I learn about a new diagnoses, or a new comorbidity, a new intervention, it kind of reaffirms why I got into this field in the first place. I love the human body; I love learning what makes us tick and having the ability to assist someone in getting their life back. Man, even just thinking about some of the experiences where my patients have told me that just motivating them or even something as simple as how my personality is, has changed their day or outlook…it really does something to me. It really does something for my purpose.

Tamika Henderson 

My family inspired my process! They always had faith in me even whenever I did not have faith in myself. Also God, my coach always said God did not put us here to be average. I truly believe this. Thanks, Coach Kittely! 

Maygen Smith 

I've recently learned that the fulfillment of my soul comes into impact. Inspiring others is what inspires me. I want to assist people in becoming a better version of themselves. I just happened to choose the route of education and career development along with some mental health and self-growth. 

Terrell Johnican 

I would honestly have to say movies and music. I love music so much, that I added it to my studio at work simply because I needed something to keep me going. I never intended to run my studio at CW like a Daytime show, it really just happened. I have to listen to music every day, and I listen to it through everything. Music grants me permission to silence the world around me. I listen to a lot of different genres because it's just as complex as life. I love movies because I get lost in them. I like reality, but I prefer to live in La La Land most of the time. I use to get in trouble a lot as a child, cause I was always daydreaming and never paying attention. It's so much better in my opinion, I know that sounds crazy. Anything complex that allows me to go into another Universe, I'm about that life. The last thing is helping people because I love the art of storytelling. I love hearing other people’s stories, especially about their challenges. I’ve always had a variety of friends. Different cultures and walks of life really inspire me. I believe storytelling is in all three of the aspects that I've given. I hate anything basic or on the surface. I love thinking, especially on extremely deep levels. Anything that allows me to think deeply, inspires me. 

Ke’Tara Marie

Family, close friends, and my students. They are the heart of my goals and always encourage me to keep going. 

Ariel Henson 

A lot of things inspire my process including studying the biographies of successful people who have overcome challenges. I also like to talk with people who have already conquered things I'm trying to achieve and compare notes. 

Lesa Spivey 

Being a new dad everything I do is inspired by my son. I want him to be able to look at me as a great example of what it is to be a man of God, a Leader, a Father, and Husband. He also inspires me because I want to make his life as easy as possible and set him up to succeed in life. It’s all about breaking a cycle something that started with my Grandfather

Vernon Lewis 

 I’m inspired by black women that have come before me that have paved a way for me to be who I am today. Their strength & tenacity inspires me to go hard and be the best me   

Victoria Cummings

Personally, music inspires my process. The way certain tracks sound gives me an idea of how I want to present a visual to my audience. Another thing that inspires my process is watching other videographers and seeing how they put together pieces of footage. 

Jerrod Mims

Being diagnosed with bone cancer at age seventeen inspires me every day. When I think about the possibility of losing my life as a teenager, it makes me see the blessing in still being alive. It serves as a daily reminder that I have a purpose and that inspires the journey I’m currently on. Being a cancer survivor also helps drive my purpose of capturing, inspiring, and serving others. Perspective is another thing I gained through this experience. When my newfound perspective on life was revealed during this life-changing ordeal, my purpose was revealed. It was clear that this situation that intended to harm me would end up being the same thing that inspired me to serve others. In addition to being a cancer survivor, my family has been a consistent inspiration to my life. I have been blessed to have an amazing and supportive family that continues to believe in me. Those are two things that continue to inspire my process to greatness.

Craig King

Things that inspire my process is thinking outside of the box for new approaches and READING, READING, READING! Whether it is a book or magazine article, read. Also, do not be afraid to go against that norm. Just because it has always been done a certain way, does not mean that is the best approach. 

Alexandria Williams 

God has inspired my process. It’s truly a blessing to be a blessing. Within me, he gives me the strength and vision to fulfill my utmost potential. Because of him, the process has been beautiful and for sure worthwhile. Without my relationship with God, I would not be inspired or motivated to fulfill my passion. the process is not easy, but it is worth it. I thank the Lord for giving me the strength to live in my truth. That is why my company is called “The.Beauty of PR” because the process is what I am in love with the most; it’s the most beautiful to me.  

Kariss Gordon 

Just as many other designs, I always look at design blogs and work of the best designers for inspiration and ideas. 

But that a small part of it. 

I love fashion, and beautifully put together outfits always give me ideas for graphic design. For the same reason, I put a lot of thought into the way I dress. When people can get I am creative from 2 miles away, I somehow fell more creative.  

I love driving through poor neighborhoods and trailer parks.  This is inspiring in many ways. It reminds me of where I came from ( I've lived in part of town, where heading gunshots was a normal thing.) It makes me angry - angry because so many wonderful people have to live like that. It makes me grateful - because of all the little things I have.

Misha Banner 

My inspiration comes from multiple sources. From the shows that I watch; whether be it anime, documentaries, cartoons, news or technology I feel like they all have their own creative lanes to draw from and from there it helps me hone my own style. Music is a big inspiration for me, it allows me to get into a mode where I can freely think and depending on the type of music my creativity follows. Then the people I surround myself with helping me in terms of understanding myself, understanding what others see and helping me find out what is important from what doesn’t matter. 

Sena Gbordzoe 

What inspired me in the process is seeing how much people genuinely like my energy when I play at clubs. Seeing how wild the crowd gets makes me so happy inside. Music is EVERYTHING. I love seeing how it changes our mood and makes us forget about our problems for a bit.

Also just practicing and getting better inspires me to keep going! My fans keep me going! Music.. keeps me going

You can accomplish anything you put your mind to. If you’re passionate about something work on it and don’t let anyone stop you. You can only stop yourself by self-doubt

DJ Sarcastic 
